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Wiener Dog Derby Registration



Just a few important reminders to help keep the day organized and safe for all:

Entry Fee $10


Wiener Dog Derby Schedule

10:00am - 1:00pm Registration
12:30pm - 1:30pm Yappy Hour
1:00pm - 2:00pm Beggin' Pet Parade
1:45pm Wiener Call to Post

IMPORTANT: Upon arrival at the race site, please check in at the registration desk to pick up your racing packet, which includes colored tags (for the hounds) and matching wrist bracelet for the owner. You must have these on when you hand your dog to the race start official. They must remain on until the event is over. The race day registration/check-in desk closes at 1 p.m. (no exceptions).

Every dog must be leashed prior to and immediately upon completion of the race.

Owners/handlers are responsible for the whereabouts of their own dog(s) at all times.

Only ONE owner per dog at finish line (and that owner must have a leash).

Owner must remain behind the finish line; winning wieners will be escorted to the Wieners Circle; losers will exit immediately.

Races are run on a first come, first serve basis, up to six dogs per heat; awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category, in the following order: Ball Park Franks, Hot Dogs, Cocktail Wieners, Wiener Wannabes.

Mardi Gras Inc. and all organizers and sponsors of this event are in no way responsible for the actions of any dogs participating.

Racer Information

Upload a headshot image of your wiener. (Less than 5mb)

Please respond to the following questions (humor welcome)